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Enterprise System Catalog


Senate Bill 272 - California Public Records Act

Approved by California Governor Jerry Brown on October 11, 2015, Senate Bill 272 adds a section to the California Public Records Act requiring many local government agencies in California to create and post online a catalog of Enterprise Systems by July 1, 2016, with annual updates.


Enterprise System


An Enterprise System, as defined by Senate Bill 272, is a software application or computer system that collects, stores, exchanges, and analyzes information an agency uses that is both of the following:

  • A multi-departmental system or a system that contains information collected about the public

  • A system that serves as a 'system of record' or an original source of data within an agency

  • ​

Enterprise System Catalog for Northshore Fire (click to open pdf)



Enterprise System Catalog

  1. The catalog of enterprise systems contains:

    • System’s purpose

    • Description of categories or types of data

    • Department that is the prime custodian of the data

    • Frequency that system data is collected

    • Frequency that system data is updated

  2. To make the catalog publicly available upon request

  3. To post the catalog in a prominent location on the agency's website

To read the text of Senate Bill 272: See external links below:


External Links

Northshore Fire Protection District

Office Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:00pm


6267 7th Ave

Lucerne, CA 95458


Phone: 707-274-3100

Fax: 707-274-3102


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